Post M1 1.8''
Arm G-70X
Ultra Vest
Monitor Transvideo Cinemonitor HD8''
Camera Car Hard Mount-Euro Mount
Post Artemis Cine HD Pro 1.5''
Vest Artemis ACT2
Arm Spring ACT2 23 Kg (ALEXA-RED-EPIC-SCARLET-F3-F55-5D-416-SR3-435-235-ARRICAM LT)
Monitor Transvideo Cinemonitor HD6'' SBL
Camera Car Hard Mount-Euro Mount
MoVi XL with MoVi Controller and Mimic (up to 24kg)
Ronin 2 (up to 15kg)
MoVi PRO with MoVi Controller and Mimic (up to 10kg)
Ronin RS2 (up to 7kg)
Tilta Armorman 2.0
Easyrig Vario 5 with Stabil
Flowcine Black Arm
Eartec Intercoms
Wireless Focus
Bartech 1 channel Analog
Bartech 1 channel Digital
Wireles Video
Teradek Bolt Pro 1Tx, 1RX
Teradek Bolt 300 1Tx, 2Rx
Teradek 2000 1Tx, 3Rx
Small HD 7' with director's cage